All too often we neglect the importance of our eyes.  We need to honour their importance with a bit of maintance.  For they are more than visual aids.  Our eyes keep us connected with the world around us.  They are devices of social and comuicative interaction, and they are the woindows to the soul that help us express and allure.

Dark Circles (Under eye)

Vitamin K Cream – Heals damaged skin tissue and constricts the capillaries (small blood vessels) under the thin skin below the eye.  Vitamin K and A – (a derivative such as retinol) combined is more effective at lightening the skin.
Parsley – The chlorophyll in parsley helps to diminish darkness and puffiness under the eyes. Freeze in ice cubes and use wrapped in cloth when appropriate.
Tannin – From apples helps reduce darkness. Apples also contain potassium the water soluble vitamins B and C that replenish lost nutrients in skin under the eyes.
Eye Friendly Foods – Plums, beetroot, brown rice, green vegetables and whole grains
Vitamin C – Strengthens blood vessel walls
Stagnant blood circulation – Try an eye exercise to improve circulation. Look up with the eye balls, not the head and blink vigorously for two minutes.
Anaemia – An iron deficiency can cause darkness under the eyes. Make sure sure iron intake is inadequate. A few foods rich in iron are meat, seafood's, beans, lentils, spinnage, broccoli, tomato juice and soy products. If you are taking an iron tablet (supplement) make sure you take it with Vitamin C to avoid constipation
The sun – Avoid the sun as it increases the natural pigmentation of the skin.
Dehydration – or toxin build up,  may also be the cause. Drink at least six glasses of water a day
Sleep – Get plenty of it. Tired eyes can result in dark circles
Haemorrhoid cream – For more serious cases, use sparingly and infrequently as it contains a steroid to reduce inflammation and a vasoconstrictor that reduces blood flow. I know this one is not a natural remedy but the option is out there to the decider if it brings relief
Vitamin E – Great antioxidant. Protects the skin cells from the damaging effects of free radical. Just apply a vitamin cream or oil on area surrounding eye. Some foods that are rich vitamin E are mangos, nuts, sunflower seeds,

Foods to consider using to reduce darken skin around the eye. They all have natural bleaching an astringent qualities

Recipe Remedy for Under Eye Dark Circles

5 fresh mint leaves
1 tsp of almond oil
½ tsp honey
Crush the mint with a little water in a mortar. Strain the juice and add to the almond oil and honey.
Stir till completely mixed and apply a tiny amount under the eyes before going to bed.